Plenary & Keynote Lectures
Date & times to be defined

Dr. Alice Cicirello
Assistant Professor in Applied Mechanics, Cambridge University Engineering Department
Theme: Noise and Vibration Challenges through the Physics-Enhanced Machine Learning lens
Dr Alice Cicirello is a University Assistant Professor in Applied Mechanics at the Cambridge University Engineering Department and a Fellow of Churchill College. She is the founder and head of the Data, Vibration and Uncertainty group ( Alice is currently an Alexander von Humboldt Experienced Research Fellow (2023- present), and Executive board member of the European Association of Structural Dynamics. Alice was the chair of the first (2022), second (2023) and third (2024) workshops on Physics-enhancing Machine Learning in Applied Mechanics.
Alice obtained her PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2013. She was a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (2009-2012) and a Research Associate (2012-2014) at the same institution. Alice worked as a Senior Research Scientist at SLB (2014-2017) and returned to academia as a Lecturer at the University of Oxford (Engineering Science Department and Balliol College, 2017-2019), and then continued as an Associate Professor and Section Head at TU Delft (2020-2023).
Alice is serving in the Editorial boards of Data-Centric Engineering, Nonlinear Dynamics, Advances in Engineering Software, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, and ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, and has served in the scientific committee and organising committee of several international workshops and conferences.
Alice held visiting positions at several research institutions, including MIT, the Alan Turing Institute and the University of Oxford. Recently, Alice has delivered keynote speeches at the AI UK 2024 fringe event workshop Latest Developments in Physics-Informed Machine Learning’, Imperial College London and at the 11th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 24).

Monika Rychtarikova
Professor, Faculty of Architecture at KU Leuven
Theme: The Sound of Sustainability: Noise Matters in Retrofitted Architecture.
Monika Rychtarikova is a professor at the Faculty of Architecture at KU Leuven and the Faculty of Civil Engineering at STU Bratislava. She has worked in different fields of acoustics, building physics in general and architectural acoustics in particular. Her recent research aims at developing architectural designs that harmonically include aspects of sound, addressing questions of indoor and outdoor acoustic comfort, perception of sound and speech intelligibility in rooms on one hand and the development of new measurement techniques and characterisation and development of novel materials on the other hand. She has been involved as a researcher or coordinator in different European and national projects on virtual acoustics, echolocation, assessment of sound insulation in buildings, noise barrier research, acoustic and thermal retrofit of buildings and research in archeoacoustics.
She has been the chair of the Technical Committee on Room and Building Acoustics (EAA TC-RBA), board member of the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA) , board member of national acoustic societies of the Netherlands and Belgium and the president of Slovak Acoustic Society. She is the editor of the journal Acta Acustica. In 2016 she received the award “Female Scientist of the Year 2015” in Slovakia.

Prof. Julio A. Cordioli
Associate Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department, UFSC
Theme: On the noise of electric aircrafts: from drones to electric airplanes
Prof. Julio A. Cordioli graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil, in 2000 and received his PhD in 2006 also from UFSC, with part of his PhD research developed at the University of Cambridge, UK. He has previously worked for EMBRAER (Brazil) on the design of noise control treatments for aircrafts, and for the ESI Group (USA), as an acoustic scientist on the development of vibroacoustic numerical methods. Since 2011, he has been an Associate Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department, UFSC. His main research interests include: numerical methods in vibro-acoustics, aircrafts interior and exterior noise, aeroacoustics and vibration monitoring.